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Our training program provides meaningful, ready-to-use materials for every aspect of patient communication in a local healthcare office.

Communications Orientation

You will NOT want to skip this vital introduction; it is power packed! We will set the stage for the WHY behind the HOW for our methods. We will begin to understand how we ask a series of questions to help our patients truly get what we do so they want what we offer. We will dive DEEP into the Neuroscience of Communications!


Having a CA available to do a Pre-Consultation can save the doctor a ton of time, help the patient feel heard, improve the overall experience, and begin to shift the patient's consciousness through specific Socratic questions. I'll show you how to teach your team these pivotal steps. If you don't have a CA to do this, skip this step and head to the Doctor's Consultation.

Doctor’s Consultation

What if I told you that the doctor's consultation is ABSOLUTELY the point when most potential patients make up their mind to never come back? It's the truth. This time with your patients one-on-one is pivotal, yet so many doctors get it wrong. I want to show you my simple method for connecting the dots and turning this time into a priceless opportunity to win patients for life.

ROF Part 1

Your Report of Findings is vital because it represents a decision for your new patients. I broke it out into three unique training modules so that we can nail it, together. If you're tired of hearing patients "need to go home and think about it", then you're going to be ready to jump into my three part ROF series.

ROF Part 2

You'll discover the top tricks and tips I've used in my practice and in my private coaching clients' practices to turn this moment into something exciting that has patients chomping at the bit to move forward WITH you.

ROF Part 3

We'll go into great detail about how to prepare and present care plans to patients. We look at recommendations that can go beyond hands-on care. We talk through objections. We end by looking at making recommendations in real-time!

Daily Interactions

Once someone becomes a patient, your job isn't quite over! Your patients have many options; you can't count on them coming to see you for care for the rest of their life unless you build a relationship and continue to strengthen it. I'll show you easy activities and conversations that will make your daily interactions so much better.

Reeval Rereport

Reevaluation and rereport time can be immensely stressful for many doctors because it can feel like a tense sales meeting. There's no reason you have to feel like this! We'll break down simple and stress-free methods for making this an exciting time that reaffirms patient commitments and opens the door for new referrals from them, too!

Difficult Questions

What happens when someone can't afford care for a while? What about when they're feeling "better"? These are only two of the many difficult questions that you deal with. When you don't know how to address them effectively, you lose patients. There are some great things you can do to make sure that you're ready for them and in a better position to continue the relationship with your patient. Get to what matters and you'll find that difficult questions are no longer that tough!